Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Letter P:
(sorry this is so late, kinda forgot about it, sorry!)
We started by putting Puzzles together!

We learned about Policemen
Played, "Please may I?"
Had Popcorn, Pretzels and Peanut Butter Bars!
An Intense Game of Hot Potato!
Quick flight of Paper Planes! And talked about Pilots.
Polor Bears, and Pig lacing.
The girls modeling what Peacock feathers look like.
Working on writing the letter "P"
Pledge of Allegiance
Picnic with Peanut Butter Sandwiches, Pears, Punch and . . .
and of course Pink Cupcakes with the story Pinkalicious! (I think Austin is enjoying his cupcake!)

Painting Pink "P's"
Austin wanted chalk instead.
Made Purple Pandas and read "Your Personal Penguin" and the "Posh Puppy"
Memory with the numbers 13 - 16

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Mmm Mmmm Good!

Sorry guys, thought I had the order figured out as I was posting them but apparently not. . . they are a little out of order, but I think you still get the idea!!

We got to read "Twas the Night before Christmas" . . .it talked about creatures starting with the letter "M."
Lots of fun building our own Mangers!

Macaroni was a huge hit for snack time!

Had fun attempting to make graham cracker houses with Mini-Marshmallows and Mini-M&M's!
Don't you love how even their knives are synchronized?
They each couldn't help themselves for a little taste along the way. . .
Austin's turn to taste!
At one point all the of houses were made, then the roofs caved in so they asked if they could make graham cracker sandwiches instead . . . at that point, anything went!!

Learned about Mothers . . . especially the great Mother Mary, who of course was on cardstock of our chosen color Maroon!

Talked a lot about Mangers . . .(very convenient at Christmas Time!)
Moose also worked in good with the Christmas Theme.
Everyone loved listening to "The Adventures of Morris the Moose" as they made their moose puppets.
Ate Mini-Muffins and Mandarin Oranges with Mugs of Milk (water for Alli of course, and some of the guys had hot chocolate, can't all fit in with the "M's")

Lots of fun with the letter "M". . . They played a Mickey and Minnie Mouse Matching game!

Made Moose Puppets!

Colored a picture of some Mittens!
. . .Of course while they were listening to the story of "The Mitten"

Friday, December 4, 2009


We had a great week learning about the letter "K"! I wasn't very good at taking pictures, but these are the few that I did get. We started off one of our days with shape matching to get everyone ready to learn!!:)

Practice makes perfect! K is for king, kangaroo, kid, kick, kiwi, kettle, keys, kite, knight, knuckle, knock, and knot.
Hard at work!
Our "K" snacks for the week were kettle chips, kiwi's, fruit KEBABS, and keebler cookies. We also had kettle corn and Krispy Kreme donuts...and don't forget the Kiwi colored Kool-Aid!

We made King's crowns, and Knight's swords. We also made a Christmas countdown because it was the first day of December!
We found "K"s in magazines, and made K's out of craft sticks. We memorized "Old King Cole" and sang "I wish I were a crazy kind of kite!"
We also played kickball and did karate dancing. We read the books, "King Bigood's in the Bathtub"(they loved this one) and Kitten's First Full Moon, "Boogie Knights" and Knuffle Bunny! And we can't forget that we worked on the number 11 too!
I promise to be better with the camera next time!:)

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

"F" is for FLOWERS!

Having fun singing their flower song, notice Austin's enthusiasm holding the red penny in the background!
Still their favorite time tends to be snack time. They got Fruit roll-ups, pretzel Fishes, Fresh Fruit and dried Fruit, and also Fruit Juice. (I was a little uncreative coming up with other things to eat besides fruit!)

They made pretty Fall Flowers!
So studious!!
Then they potted their own flowers for their mom's!
Can you tell they are screaming, "FLOWER POWER!"